Good Times

Paul Robinson (
Mon, 24 Apr 1995 17:48:19 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 23 Apr 1995, Matthew Hannigan wrote:

> Amongst other things, Albert Lunde <> wrote:
> > [CIAC advisories advise this is a hoax]
> Yes, and they note that people have read the mail with
> a subject of xxx-1, but don't say that anyone received
> mail with subject of "good times" which is interesting
> because I received such a message soon after the the "alert"
> and of course read it, knowing there was no possiblity of 
> an infection.
> I think I still have the message somewhere.  And I think I tried
> to track down the sender, to no avail.  But if anyone wants
> a copy...

Who cares.  Just find anyone who is paranoid, send them an important 
message that you want them not to read, and use the same title as this.  
If E-Mail ever gets legal status, it would be an interesting way to get 
out of a legal penalty.

"Your honor, the plaintiff alleges defendant defaulted on the contract, and 
failed to notify the plaintiff in advance of an inability to perform."

"Your honor, the defendant denies such allegation.  We have proof of a 
return receipt and a delivery notification saying the message was deleted 

"Your honor, the plantiff denies such a claim, as he would not delete 
mail unread unless it was dangerous, such as a virus."

"Your honor, that can't be a problem, then.  Defendant sent the message with 
the subject of 'Good Times'..."

Plaintiff at this point turns a little green and begins to look sick.

Ask me about Listmgr - the first PC-Based mailing list manager for E-Mail.
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Paul Robinson - / /
Voted "Largest Polluter of the (IETF) list" by Randy Bush <>